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£1000 phone scam

By Fiona Reid
Dumfries and West
£1000 phone scam

A WOMAN in Dumfries has been defrauded out of £1000 in a telephone scam call.

And the incident has prompted Police Scotland to issue a warning to the public about giving out their bank details.
It happened last Wednesday when the woman took a call from man who said he was from Sky TV and that she was due a refund on her account. He was able to quote the last four digits on her bank account, and asked for the rest of the numbers in order to complete the refund. She gave out the numbers and the man ended the call saying that the money would shortly be refunded.
A short time later he called again and said that the bank could not accept the refund, and could she give him details of a credit card to where the refund would be made. The lady than gave out her credit card details.
However, a few days later she discovered that over £500 had been withdrawn from each of her accounts.
Sergeant Mary McCreadie at Dumfries said: “In this case it appears that the caller has managed to obtain some information about the last four digits on the victim’s account, which has led the lady to think that the caller was genuine. Reputable companies, banks and building societies never ask for any personal banking details over the phone and we again urge householders to be very careful when asked for such information.”