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Dryfe Show is a no go

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By Fiona Reid

THE final curtain has fallen on a long standing agricultural show.

Dryfe Valley Show’s organising committee disbanded last week following a lack of support.

The committee held their AGM at Boreland Village Hall but too few would-be group members and office bearers stepped forward meaning the event is unable to continue.

Speaking after the decision to dissolve was made, former group secretary Dave Pound said: “The philosophy of the show from the start was to bring the community together.

“It was very much about people in the community coming and working together in a voluntary capacity to put on a community event which we could all enjoy together and get involved in. “Community spirit was at the heart of what it was all about.”

He added: “It was with great sadness that it was agreed by a majority vote that there was no alternative but to wind up the show that had brought together the community and had given so much pleasure to so many people over the years. “

Over the years, many hundreds of folk have enjoyed exhibiting and taking part in the show activities and they will be disappointed that Dryfe Valley Show will no longer take place.”

The show first took place in 1989 but was cancelled in 2001 after the foot and mouth outbreak and its future remained in limbo until 2007 when it was reintroduced.

Not ruling out the possibility that the show could one day rise again, Mr Pound said: “The restart in 2007, after a gap of six years, indicates some similar event may be possible in the future.”

According to the show’s constitution the Dryfe Valley Show Management Committee must meet one last time to hold a Special General Meeting to discuss the distribution of the show’s assets.

The group own a gazebo, two small tents and a collection of cups and trophies as well as holding their own bank account, the funds of which will be revealed at the meeting.

Any assets or money remaining after the committee’s debts and liabilities have been dealt with will be given or transferred to the management committee of Boreland Village Hall and/or the steering committee of Hutton Community Fellowship or organisations with similar aims to the show.

Only members will be able to speak at the meeting, members are classed as residents living in the Eskdalemuir Church to Dryfe Bridge area.

Anyone unsure if they live within the correct boundaries can contact Mr Pound on [email protected].

The meeting takes place on Wednesday February 24 at 7.30 pm at Boreland Hall.


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