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Video shows turbines’ true scale, warns ex-police chief

By Amanda Kennedy and Bryan Armstrong
Annan and Eskdale

A CONCERNED rural dweller, who lives near Waterbeck, has captured on camera the moment part of a new turbine became stuck on a bridge only yards from his home.



Retired police chief Arthur Robinson, MBE, filmed the drama and posted it online to illustrate the scale of wind turbines being placed in some of the region’s beautyspots.

He has expressed concern about the impact of wind turbines in the region and the separate issue of the poor state of Dumfries and Galloway’s rural roads.


Mr Robinson’s video shows one of the first deliveries to Scottish Power Renewables’ Ewe Hill windfarm, which will eventually include 22 large turbines.

In the video Mr Robinson, pictured, explains that a windfarm is being constructed near to his home in the countryside between Langholm and Lockerbie.

He reveals the bridge in question has a specially created collapsible parapet, designed for easier delivery of turbines.

Mr Robinson, well-known as a founder and president of Dumfriesshire and Cumbria Greyhound Rescue, then offers a running commentary as he watches a struggle ensue when a turbine becomes stuck.

Eventually the former senior Strathclyde detective intervenes when he approaches the workmen to enlighten them that the wall is collapsible but by this point the delivery is well wedged between the walls.

The video on YouTube has already attracted scores of hits.

One viewer wrote: “This really should be viral”!

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Mr Robinson has also sent the video to Scottish Power Renewables to help raise his wider concerns.

He said that he had spoken to and had received a positive response from a boss on the project, who thanked him for his feedback.

Mr Robinson added: “The large size of many wind turbines is sometimes only fully appreciated by those living in the rural communities where they are located.”



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Annan and Eskdale

28th Feb

Final prep for Lucas

By Fiona Reid | DNG24