With the steelwork structure being completed recently, the duo were able to see the full footprint of the new building. They were able to take in the view from the roof and see visit the new grass pitch.
Their visit was hosted by Graham Construction project manager Andy Little who updated them on the latest developments.
Construction started on 7 March 2016 and the project is on target to be completed by October 2017.
The current Dalbeattie schools are liaising with the construction team to produce a Dalbeattie Learning Campus bulletin on the Dalbeattie High School website.
Councillor Leaver said: “The Dalbeattie Learning Campus demonstrates our commitment to deliver school facilities that are fit for purpose in the 21st century. It also shows our commitment to invest in our economy, infrastructure and people. Not only are we significantly improving our education facilities, we’re delivering work for local contractors and other businesses and employment in the region.
“We were delighted to visit the site to see the progress being made in creating new buildings that, along with our teaching staff, will offer wonderful learning opportunities for our young people.”