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Trial set in 156 mph speed case

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By Newsdesk
Annan and Eskdale
Trial set in 156 mph speed case

A MOTORIST has been accused in court of driving in excess of 156 mph on the M74 near Gretna after failing to stop when signalled by a pursuing police car.

On Tuesday, Paul Robertson, 28, from Donmouth Court, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, pleaded not guilty at Dumfries Sheriff Court to driving dangerously on December 4.
He is alleged to have attempted to driven out of the petrol station at Gretna Services against the flow of traffic and accelerated harshly away from a police vehicle.
Trial was set for June.

Meanwhile in a separate case heard last week, a banned motorist who topped speeds of 145 mph on a 50-mile drive between Gretna and Abington, has been jailed for six months.
The sheriff at Dumfries heard that the high speed trip came to an end when Robert Nelson collided with a chevron sign at the slip road at junction 13 at Abington.
Nelson, 40, from Bootle, admitted driving dangerously on the M74 and at Gretna on the A75, driving at 60 in a 30 limit and undertaking on a bend on the hard shoulder.
He also admitted driving while disqualified and without insurance last March. He was also banned from the road for 18 months.


26th Feb

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By Fiona Reid | DNG24