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MPs in Westminster lockdown

By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
MPs in Westminster lockdown

BOTH the region's MPs are safe following the incident at Westminster this afternoon.

Secretary of State for Scotland – and Dumfriesshire member – David Mundell is on lockdown in his House of Commons office.
Ten minutes ago he tweeted: “I am in Westminster and perfectly ok but in lockdown. Thoughts with all those caught up in incident.”
And Galloway and West Dumfries MP Richard Arkless also took to social media, putting out a message on Facebook that he was fine.
It follows a shooting in the Parliament grounds and reports a car has driven into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge.

Meanwhile, Galloway and West Dumfries MSP Finlay Carson has walked out of the Holyrood independence debate after calling for it to be postponed in light of the London events.
Explaining his decision, he tweeted: “I have left chamber. I can’t understand how this debate can go on. At least a suspension would have shown some respect.”



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