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200 quilted hugs provided

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By Fiona Reid
200 quilted hugs provided

TWO hundred quilted hugs have been provided to people around the region who are living on their own during the coronavirus lockdown.

The project by the Quilters of Shambellie House has been hugely successful and spread a lot of joy and love.

It was set up by Ann Hill, of Mouswald, who wanted to give those living alone a ‘quilted hug’ to remind them that someone out there was thinking about them. A message is attached to each quilt says “I hope you will enjoy this quilt and remember that you are loved and not alone. We hope the one day soon this will all be behind us and you will be able to see your friends and family once again”. Friends and relatives have been nominating recipients and Ann has been overwhelmed by the overall response to the initiative, which was set up to help with the mental health problems people may have when being alone for any length of time. She said: “I get so many telephone calls and messages from people who would like to nominate someone for a hug. They tell me stories that break my heart so I send out a hug made by one of the many quilters who are making these quilts throughout the region.

“We then get cards and messages along with telephone calls from the people who are receiving the quilts. Those calls bring a tear to the eye. Folks getting a hug are so grateful to hear that someone out there is thinking about them. It’s connecting people all over the place and it’s still working.”

Quilts are still available and anyone wishing to nominate a friend or relative should get in touch with Ann Hill on 01387 830638 or by email at – [email protected]

CREATIVE . . . Phylis Kirkwood, of Annan, is one of the quilters


14th Mar

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By Fiona Reid | DNG24