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Events place business top of agenda

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By DnG24 Newsdesk
Annan and Eskdale
Events place business top of agenda

A SERIES of events in south west Scotland have put business and the economy at the top of the agenda.

BUSINESS AGENDA . . .  Gavin Stevenson, council chief executive, David Whiteford, OBE, chairman of the North Highland Initiative,  Iain Scott, chief financial officer, Scottish Enterprise and speaker Mark Bevan, chief executive Scottish Council for Development and Industry


They are part of the region’s annual Business Week, which is supported by a number of organisations including Dumfries and Galloway Council and the CX Project.

Among the highlights of the packed programme was a Dumfries and Galloway ‘Investing for Growth Dinner’ for invited guests at Smiths Hotel, Gretna Green.

A keynote speaker was Andrew Spencer, a well-known leadership development consultant, who has helped a cross-section of large international companies design and deliver significant people and team development programmes.

BUSINESS gretna BA 3

Mr Spencer, pictured, has worked with leading blue-chipped companies and for Harvard Business Publishing.

Another speaker was Mark Bevan, chief executive of the Scottish Council for Development and Industry.




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