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£235k for repairs scheme

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By Fiona Reid
£235k for repairs scheme

FUNDING worth £235,000 is set to be agreed to to help property owners and private tenants in the region to repair their homes.

Councillors will next week be asked to allocate £149,000 to the Social Care Integration Joint Board’s Small Repairs and Home Support Service. It helps vulnerable people, who meet set criteria, and focuses on minor adjustments and repairs that promotes independent living.

In addition, councillors will also be asked to give £15k to the board to assist in funding the Dementia Friendly Design Project, which allows for practical steps to be taken in the homes of people suffering from dementia. In the first half of this financial year, nearly 100 such tasks were carried out.

They will also agree £37,400 for the funding of Food Train Extra, which assists older people with non-skilled tasks in and around the home, such as checking smoke alarms, duvet changing, freezer defrosting. Finally, members will be asked for £35,000 to allow the development the trusted trader scheme.

Backing the projects, councillor Andy Ferguson said: “I would encourage my fellow members to approve all of these funding requests for what are pivotal services in allowing our council to meet its promise to protect our most vulnerable people. The continuation of these vital services keeps people living at home for longer, and in safety. Without our support of the funding, these services would either be greatly reduced or stopped altogether, and we simply cannot allow this to happen.”


16th Dec

Chance to be in a gallery art show

By Fiona Reid | DNG24