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£300k bill for local elections

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By Marc McLean, local democracy reporter
£300k bill for  local elections

FINANCE bosses are recommending that Dumfries and Galloway Council dips into cash reserves to cover the six-figure cost of the local elections in May this year.

Costs mounted in the run up to the council elections on May 5, as well as staffing polling stations across the region and staging the election count at the DG One leisure centre in Dumfries the following day.

It is now being proposed that the council withdraws £3.15m from its cash reserves to pay a range of bills – including the £300,000 tab for the local elections.

Gillian Ross, finance and accounting manager, produced a report which will be tabled at the finance committee.

Forty-three members were elected to represent the 12 wards of Dumfries and Galloway Council.

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