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£300k grant for school-town cycle links

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By Fiona Reid
Dumfries and West
£300k grant for school-town cycle links

A FUNDING package of almost £300,000 is to help support the creation of a new school cycle link in Dumfries.

Sustrans Scotland have agreed to provide £298,887 for four projects across Dumfries and Dalbeattie supporting cycling and walking for school children – with Dumfries and Galloway Council helping boost the total to £669,237.
Speaking on behalf of the local authority, Councillor Colin Smyth said: “We are delighted to hear of our successful bids for Sustrans’ Safer Routes to Schools funding and the award of funding for four projects.”
The projects approved for funding are:
* a cycle link to and from Dumfries High School using Moffat Road and Marchmount Avenue – £283,737.
* commissioning a Dumfries Learning Town Sustainable Active Travel Strategy – £15,000.
* the early implementation of works for proposed cycleway links in Dalbeattie – £190,800.
* a feasibility study for a proposed cycleway link and bridge to Dalbeattie town centre from Church Crescent – £32,700.
Councillor Smyth said: “The work at Marchmount Avenue and Moffat Road in Dumfries will be a key part of creating a cycle route between existing cycle routes and Dumfries High School and the extensive new residential development at Marchfield.
“This will link these places with both Dumfries town centre and wider parts of Dumfries.”
And addressing a project which will complement a multi-million pound overhaul of schools in Dumfries, he added: “Developing a Sustainable Active Travel Strategy for the Dumfries Learning Town will not only contribute to the objectives of that project, but assist with the further development of the active travel network in Dumfries as a whole.”
The Safer Routes to Schools Fund is Sustrans Scotland’s grant scheme for new infrastructure, and it is funded by the Scottish Government through Transport Scotland.
And Sustrans community link manager Tom Bishop said: “At the heart of all these projects are concepts to improve the safety and ease with which children can walk, scoot and cycle to school.”


26th Feb

Get set for fishing season

By Fiona Reid | DNG24