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£415k roadworks go-ahead

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By DNG Newsdesk

RESURFACING works costing £415,000 are set to take place on the A701 north of Dumfries this weekend.

Scotland TranServ, on behalf of Transport Scotland, will resurface almost 1km of carriageway from Shieldhill to Blairhall Road — about five miles north of Dumfries — benefitting motorists who use the route every day.
Gordon Wilson, contract director for Scotland TranServ, said: “This scheme will improve the busy section of road on the A701 for local residents, commercial businesses and motorists for years to come.”
The work will take place from 7 pm on Sunday July to 6 am on Friday August
7, benefiting motorists who use this route each day.
To protect the health and safety of road users and roadworkers alike, a convoy system will be in operation overnight with two-way traffic lights in operation during day time hours.
There will be no works or traffic management in place on Friday July 31 to
Sunday August 2.
Motorists can keep up to date with real time traffic information by visiting or following @TrafficScotland on Twitter.
Advanced warning signs will also be in place on the approach to inform motorists that roadworks are taking place.

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