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£45k breakfast bar trailer raid

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By Fiona Reid
£45k breakfast bar trailer raid

ROBBERS made off with over £45,000 worth of Kellogg's breakfast bars from Lockerbie Lorry Park early yesterday morning.

Nine tonnes of the breakfast food were stolen from an articulated trailer red Curries livery from the lorry park.

The theft appears to have taken place sometime around 2.30 am yesterday.

Detective Constable Martin Lumsden from Police Scotland CID said: “We are currently carrying out investigations into what is a high value theft which has obviously involved an element of planning.

“We are reviewing CCTV footage and want to hear from anyone who may have been in or around the area of the lorry park around the time of this theft, or indeed the hours and days prior to the theft as those responsible may have been in area carrying out some form of reconnaissance and planning.”

Information can be passed to police on the 101 number.


14th Mar

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By Fiona Reid | DNG24