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£53 million contract for Dumfriesshire PPE firm

By Charlotte MacKay
Annan and Eskdale
£53 million contract for Dumfriesshire PPE firm

MORE than 200 jobs will be created at an Annan-based firm to help fulfil orders for a £53 million Scottish Government contract.

PPE manufacturer Alpha Solway has secured the order to make 232 million surgical face masks and two million visors to meet demand for the Scottish health and social care sector.

The firm, which has factories in Annan and Dumfries, will also make an additional six million FFP3 respirator masks which will meet around 87 per cent of Scotland’s health and care needs.

About 200 new jobs will be created, in addition to the 50 employees taken on by the company since the start of the pandemic.

Alpha Solway director Steven Binnie said his firm were “proud” and “delighted” to have secured the order.

Burgh group meeting

Burgh group meeting

LOCHMABEN and District Community Council will hold their next meeting next week.