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£59k pricetag for school cleaning

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By Fiona Reid
£59k pricetag for school cleaning

KEEPING the region’s schools clean in light of Covid 19 is costing Dumfries and Galloway Council £59,000 a week.

Staff and material costs make up the biggest share at £24,500 and £25,000 respectively a week.

And the rest of the spend includes school and PPP costs.

Looking ahead, councillors have been told that the total pricetag for school cleaning in the 20 week period between October and March will be £1.2 million and if the intensive regime is required from April to June, there will be another £650,000 needed.

In a report on the issue, education support services manager Susan Martin said: “As we are experiencing a resurgence of the virus nationally, it is highly likely that the additional costs associated with additional cleaning and transport will require to continue throughout this school year.”

Meanwhile, education director Gillian Brydson addressed last Thursday’s full council meeting and explained a “Find it Clean, Keep it Clean” regime has been adopted, with anti-viral wipes available in all classrooms and spaces.

Higher risk areas, including toilets,

door handles and switches, are also continually cleaned through the day by staff.

But she confirmed there have been some recruitment issues and only 61 per cent of the daily hours are currently in situ.

Elected members were keen to know more about the use of antiviral product ‘Control’.

Susan Martin said: “When sprayed, the fine mist envelopes surfaces. “Control” is fragrance free, non-corrosive and non-irritant with a prolonged antiviral effect for up to four weeks.

“This product will be used in every classroom, staff space, library etc across every school every three weeks.”

Secondary pupils are encouraged to wipe their own workstations at the start of every class.

Transport was also raised at last week’s meeting and an update given on the additional 14 bus services that have been needed for pupils and which have so far cost an extra £128,000.

Susan said: “There have been no subsequent changes to the guidance for school transport and there is unlikely to be any further relaxation in this area for some time.”

As a result, procurement is underway to keep the extra services in place past the October holiday at a cost of £441,000 up to June 2021.

Councillors agreed to the increased spend in both areas.

Dumfries and West

14th Mar

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By Marc McLean, local democracy reporter | DNG24