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Community kindness from the team at Thames

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By Newsdesk
Community kindness from the team at Thames

THE team at a petrol station in Annan are fuelling acts of kindness during the coronavirus pandemic.

Staff at Thames Petrol Station, which is situated on Scott Street, want to ensure key workers in the town are looked after.

And so they started providing hot meals to staff working at Annan Court Care Home and are now donating food to Alpha Solway workers who are working non-stop to produce over a million pieces of personal protective equipment for the NHS.

Manager Gurupal Singh said: “We just want to help people who are in need, thank everyone that is working hard throughout these situations, especially NHS workers. It helps give them a boost, makes them feel more confident.

“It’s had a great response from people in the town. This community has been fantastic since I have been here and especially during these unprecedented times.”

He added: “We are in this together and will go through it together as a community.”

Gurupal is also collecting donations of essential items for distribution to those in need locally. He said: “Unfortunately there are still people around who are still struggling on a day to day basis for everyday essentials. To help these people we will keep a donation box in our shop where you can drop off any kind of food and we will personally drop the donation box off at Annan Day Centre.

“Let’s get together and help these people, so if you have any extra tins of beans, soups or anything edible in your cupboard please drop it off in our donation box.”


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