Both schools have been shut today (Fri) due to a fault with the fire alarm.
But messages about the incident were only sent out at 10.30 pm last night, meaning a last minute scramble for some families to find childcare.
Explaining the situation in a letter, headteachers Brian Asher and Joanne Aitken said: “Amey have informed us that an issue with the fire alarm system has been triggered evening. Engineers and fire and rescue service have been in attendance at the school trying to identify the issue and resolve it. However, the issue is a complex one and could not be sorted and no timescale can be confirmed at this stage.
“Therefore, the unfortunate decision has been taken that Lockerbie Academy and Lockerbie Primary School buildings cannot be opened to all pupils and staff. The buildings must remain closed until the issue can be resolved.
“We apologise for the inconvenience this will create for our families.”
Teaching will be delivered via Teams instead today.
Also this week, Calside Primary in Dumfries closed early for half term, on Wednesday, due to Covid outbreaks.