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Schools require sports volunteers

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By Amy Duffy
Schools require sports volunteers
MOFFAT and Beattock schools are calling for volunteers to help with extracurricular sports activities.
The schools are struggling to cope with the demand from pupils and need help to keep providing opportunities for all ages to be active, and making sport accessible for all.
In previous years, the primary schools have been successful in athletics, gymnastics and rugby, with volunteers having played a big part of that.
A former volunteer said: “I was able to support the school and encourage children to keep fit and active.
“My daughter was often at these sessions which meant I was helping provide her with greater opportunities and she could see me taking an interest in what she was doing.
“This was one of her favourite memories from primary school and it was rewarding to know I played a helping hand in that.”
Individuals who would like to get involved would benefit from a rewarding experience, help provide sporting opportunities for children, as well as have access to paid for training opportunities including child wellbeing and protection in sport, first aid, coaching qualifications and a PVG check.
Taking part in a sport helps to develop a child’s resilience, teamwork skills, self-esteem, and confidence.
Without volunteers sport could not run the way it does, and for that reason, the schools ensure that volunteers working with them benefit through volunteer award and recognition schemes.
Anyone interested in getting involved in extracurricular sport in Moffat or Beattock Primary School can contact Calum Graham on 07787690611 or at [email protected].
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13th Oct

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By Amy Duffy | DNG24