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Chapelcross habits survey

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By Fiona Reid
Chapelcross habits  survey

HOUSEHOLDERS living around Chapelcross are being surveyed about their habits.

The University of Stirling are contacting 2000 residents living within 20 kilometres of the Annandale nuclear site.

The work is on behalf of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) to assess the impacts of authorised radioactive waste discharges from Chapelcross.

The aim is to understand what types of locally produced food people eat and where they source it from; and where people spend time locally and what activities are undertaken. Researchers want to know about interactions with the local environment.

In a letter to residents, the university team said: “Habit surveys are a study of food consumption and occupancy levels around a defined location.

“Similar surveys are conducted around all major UK nuclear establishments. The surveys are repeated on a regular basis, with the last survey at Chapelcross being in 2015.”

The results will be made publicly available in due course.

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