The Scottish Parliament’s Education, Children and Young People Committee have released a survey as part of their scrutiny of a Bill which seeks to introduce more structured support for disabled children and young people in their transition to adulthood.
If passed, the bill would make three changes to the law.
Firstly, the Scottish Government would need to have a strategy explaining how they are going to improve opportunities for disabled children and young people.
Second, a Scottish Government minister would be placed in charge of improving opportunities for disabled children and young people moving into adulthood.
And finally, local authorities would need to have plans for each disabled child and young person as they move into adulthood.
Sue Webber MSP, committee convener, said: “We want to hear the views of disabled children and young people, their parents and their carers on these proposals. We’re particularly keen to understand more about the how the support that is currently available is viewed.”
To access the survey, visit before October 27.