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New home for eye team

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By Fiona Reid
New home for eye team

A BRAND new, and long awaited, ophthalmology unit has opened at the Mountainhall Treatment Centre in Dumfries.

It comprises modern consulting rooms, waiting areas for patients, and for staff an improved clinical working environment, and dedicated change and rest areas – and replaces ward 17.

Senior charge nurse Derek Beeton said: “We are proud and excited to see the completion of this modern ophthalmology unit. This is the culmination of a significant amount of planning and multidisciplinary input that has ensured we have a unit in which we can deliver the best possible care for our patients.

“The layout of the new unit will allow us to work more efficiently, and it’s a really nice environment for patients and staff.”

Dumfries and West, Front, News

06th Sep

Shoe ceremony remembers drug victims

By Christie Breen | DNG24