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Curling event enjoyed by all

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Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Curling event enjoyed by all

A GROUP of local businesspeople made their curling debuts at Lockerbie Ice Rink for a friendly tournament and networking event.

The annual event, organised by Armstrong Watson, made a welcome return following the pandemic and saw 40 guests take to the ice to try their hand at the winter Olympic sport, before a presentation and networking.

Douglas Russell, partner and head of the Dumfries office, said: “Every year this event is an opportunity to come together and thank our existing customers, partners and friends of the firm, and to make new connections in the Dumfries and Galloway business community.

“We are made to feel very welcome at Lockerbie Ice Rink and as a firm we want to support Lockerbie Ice Rink because it’s community funded and staffed by volunteers. The atmosphere is fantastic and everybody has good fun. It’s always a great event and even those who haven’t curled before, they all embrace it and everyone has a go.”

Among the 10 teams of four, many participants tried their hand at curling for the first time, adding to the excitement and camaraderie.

Guests then enjoyed a presentation and buffet provided by Jodie’s Café, along with networking opportunities. Prizes were awarded to the winners and runners-up, with a special wooden spoon accolade for those at the bottom of the leaderboard.



14th Mar

Nathan is by royal appointment

By Newsdesk | DNG24