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A STRANGE twist lies in the tale of a mysterious mutt …”

By DnG Newsdesk
A STRANGE twist lies in the tale of a mysterious mutt ...

A STRANGE twist lies in the tale of a mysterious mutt spotted in the windows of a derelict mansion on the outskirts of Dumfries. Photographer Heidi Allison was startled to see a massive Great Dane filling the upstairs window of Carnsalloch House on Sunday April 26, prompting chatter about whether the hound was real or an apparition. But speaking yesterday, the propertyís co-owner Gary Foster said: ìI had a Great Dane back in Northern Ireland and about two weeks ago it died.î Learning about the sighting, he said: ìI was thinking, ëGoodness, thatís quite a coincidenceíóas thereís not many Great Danes about. ìSo itís a bit freaky.î Kirkton resident Heidi, 36, was walking her two beagles across the massive lawn in front of Carnsalloch House. She said: ìI sat down and lifted the camera to take a photo. And here was this massive dog, bigger than anything Iíve ever seen before, staring back at me.î She added: ìBecause I know the history of the house, and Iíve heard somany stories from people round in the village about it being haunted, your initial thought is, ëOh my God ó thatís not normal, is it?í ìI was just staring at it, frozen still, and I thought, ëNobodyís going to believe thisí, and my initial reaction was grab the dogs and run.î Heidi raced home and subsequently alerted the authorities, concerned about such a large dog seemingly roaming the property. However, police checking the scene were unable to find the animal, and no owner has yet come forward. Heidi is readying a book about the history of the house, which is planned for redevelopment by Gary Foster and his two partners. And despite walking past it most days, she said: ìI wonít walk there with my dogs now. I donít want to go down there in case it comes back. But thereís been nothing in more than a week now.î Have you spotted the mysterious Great Dane at Carnsalloch House? Contact newsdesk_$$$ or phone 01461 202417 (ext 210)


09th Mar

A bumper load of bus journeys

By Christie Breen | DNG24