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Action sought on empty border business units

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By Lisa Barbour
Annan and Eskdale
Action sought on empty border business units

PERMISSION is being sought to widen the range of uses currently permitted at a Gretna business park.

FLASHBACK . . . officials line up in front of the business units in Kirtle Place in 2013

Scottish Enterprise has applied to Dumfries and Galloway Council for approval to allow retail, financial/professional services and office use at the six business units in Kirtle Place.
It follows an unsuccessful marketing campaign over the past two years, with some prospective tenants turned away as they did not meet the approved business guidelines.
Agent Meabhann Crowe, of Colliers International, said: “The applicant wishes to increase the appeal of the property to prospective tenants, following an extended
period of unsuccessful marketing.
“The applicant wishes to increase the attractiveness of the building to prospective tenants within a wider range of use classes than is currently permitted under the existing planning permission.
“No physical works or alterations to the building, either internally or externally, are proposed as part of this application.”
Existing interest in the units have been expressed from a wedding planner, solicitor, dog grooming salon, beautician and computer repair business.
And Scottish Enterprise proposes that only two class one units would be permitted at any one time, ensuring it is not a retail-only location.
Meabhann added: “The business units have remained vacant, with the exception of one, since they were completed in January 2013 despite a professional marketing campaign by commercial real estate agents.
“The units have the potential to accommodate a wider range of uses which would complement the existing town centre without detrimental impact on its vitality and
“No significant increase in vehicle traffic is expected to result from the proposals being implemented, and the small increase in footfall in this area is expected to have a beneficial impact in terms of increasing local shopper activity.”


09th Mar

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