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African group in final push for funds

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben

A CHARITY committee in Lockerbie are making a final push to raise money to spend time volunteering abroad in the summer.

Six Lockerbie Academy leavers, who are members of the school’s African Link Committee, have been working towards raising £12,000 all school year.

The students – Samantha Carruthers, Lianna Barrie, Morven Beattie, Amy Macgregor, Lucy Howatson and Ballie Armstrong-plan to renovate buildings and teach students at their link school in Thawale this summer.

Samantha said: “This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience where we get to help others and have a good time ourselves,  it’ll give us the opportunity to experience a new beautiful country and interact with people who are less fortunate, but still so enthusiastic about life.

“This trip will really put things into perspective that life could always be worse and we generally just really want to be able to help, even just a little bit.”
The committee are nearing their target but are now making a final push towards the total.

They are holding a Fiddlers’Rally at Lockerbie Academy on Saturday June 6, where fiddlers from all over Scotland will come to play lively Scottish music to help the group’s efforts.

The African Link group hope to sell 300 tickets to fill the hall and help reach their funding target.

Tickets are available from the school office and Margaretís Newsagent.


29th Jan

Victory on return to Shark Tank

By Fiona Reid | DNG24