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All invited to view Annan harbour plans

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By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
All invited to view Annan harbour plans

AMBITOUS plans for Annan Harbour will be unveiled to the town this week.

A public exhibition will be held in the The Anglers on Wednesday from 2.30-4.30 pm and then 6.30-8 pm.

The community are being invited along to view the plans for the work which is due to start in May 2023, as well as meet the lead consultant, architect Tom Morton, and ask questions.

The event follows an intensive period of work by Annan Harbour Action Group (AHAG).

Facilities manager Alan Thomson said: “We have been able to commission a large team of technical specialists to progress the project to RIBA Stage 3 and will submit the plans and reports produced for planning approval next month and we are very keen to hear everyone’s views.

“This work was made possible through development grant funding from the Community Led Economic Regeneration Fund and SoSE, with a top up from AHAG’s own reserves. Dumfries and Galloway Council’s regeneration team have been instrumental in pushing forward the project to aid covid recovery and regenerate the district. A plan is in place to raise the necessary capital.”

AHAG chairman Richard Brodie added: “This is a very exciting time for AHAG and the town as funding from the council and SoSE has allowed us to develop our plans which we will shortly submit for planning approval.”

The action group is seeking to re-establish the harbour as an important economic driver for the town and a recreational amenity for local residents.

Having acquired land and a prominent warehouse building with support from the Scottish Land Fund, they are now negotiating with Dumfries and Galloway Council to take control of the quayside via an asset transfer whilst working with Transport Scotland to obtain a Harbour Revision Order to ensure modern maritime governance is in place.

They say their model for a Harbour Hub will achieve regeneration for the district through re-establishing links with the landscape, heritage and marine environment.

The hub will deliver a range of activities including boat building and heritage.

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