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All set for £5m flooding fix

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By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
All set for £5m flooding fix

A £5 million project to improve Annan’s wastewater network and help reduce sewer flooding at times of heavy rainfall will finally begin in January.

Scottish Water has secured planning permission for the investment which will involve the installation of an underground storm water tank in Newington Park and upgrading sections of the sewer network.

It means parts of the park will be closed for the whole of next year, but in return the water body has pledged to upgrade the children’s play equipment for reopening.

A small number of trees near the site will also be removed to make way for to make way for the new sewer infrastructure, which consists of two green control kiosks inside a security fence.

They will be constructed near the existing playpark and will house controls to help operate the pumps for the tanks.

The work will take about 14 months to complete and will be carried out by Scottish Water alliance partner Amey Black & Veatch (aBV).

Brian Whyte, project manager for aBV, said: “We have been liaising with the community about this project for some time now and now planning permission has been granted we are making final preparations for work to begin on this essential upgrade work in January 2021.

“We appreciate this work will cause some inconvenience to people in the town and will do all we can to minimise any disruption. Most of the work will be carried out during the week in the daytime.”

Scott Fraser, from Scottish Water, said: “This major investment project will help address internal sewer flooding issues in parts of Annan where an upgrade is now needed.

“Storm flows from the sewers in town, which can become overloaded, will be redirected to the new underground tank. The tank will retain the water until storms subside when the water is then pumped back into the sewers to help prevent flooding to homes and streets.”

Construction vehicles will access Newington Park on a temporary access road from Standalane.

Most of the Newington Park will be closed while the upgrade is carried out, but the walkways at the edge and the football pitch will remain open.

Mr Fraser added: “We will continue to engage with people living and visiting the area where work is being done to keep them up-to-date on this essential project.

Cllr Andy Ferguson, has welcomed the project and said: “The proposed works is a positive step for residents who have experienced surface water flooding in this area.”

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