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Anger at short notice of library closure plans

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By Fiona Reid
Anger at short notice of library closure plans

LOCKERBIE Customer Service Centre is set to close for three weeks next month . ..and the town’s community council aren’t happy.

The centre, which operates as a customer service centre and library combined, will shut its doors on October 7 and re-open three weeks later at 10 am.

During the closure new lights will be fitted as well as emergency lights and a fire detection system installed.

Temporary arrangements will be put in place, including a mobile library at Tesco, but community councillors are worried the stop-gap solutions will not be up to par.

They are also angry at the lack of consultation and say they were kept in the dark about the closure.

Chairwoman Jan Andrews said: “There is more in the library than just books. These temporary measures are definitely not like for like.

“People rely on their computers for internet access. For people job hunting who do not have access to computers or WiFi they are a lifeline.

“A mobile library three times a week sitting at the bottom of a supermarket car park won’t help them.”

She added: “Also, this is news to every community councillor. I’m sure there will be the odd poster sitting in the corner of a window somewhere, but if none of us knew then chances are other people are not aware either.

“As a community council we should have at least been written to keep us in the loop, if not consulted about when the best time to close for three weeks is.”

Member Bud Little added: “I’m all for them doing the works, clearly they are essential, but it’s an inconsideration to the townsfolk to give such short notice.

“If they have been telling people about the temporary closure you would think the council would make telling the community councilapriority.”

However Dumfries and Galloway Council argue the temporary closure has been well advertised.

A spokeswoman said: “Posters and flyers detailing the closure, and temporary arrangements, have been in place at both Lockerbie Customer Service Centre and Lochmaben Customer Service Centre since early September.”

The mobile library will be based at Tesco three days a week during the closure from 10 am to 4 pm-Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays for the first and second week and Wednesday, Thursday, Friday for the third week.

Meanwhile, Lochmaben Customer Service Centre’s opening hours will be extended during the works.

And the interview room at the town hall will be used for registration services by appointment only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at select times.

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