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Anti-Trump protest staged in Dumfries town centre

By DnG24 Newsdesk
Annan and Eskdale
Anti-Trump protest staged in Dumfries town centre

AROUND 30 demonstrators, some with children, gathered holding placards underneath the Robert Burns Statue in Dumfries town centre on Saturday.

They were mirroring similar protests across the UK and globally to highlight opponents’ fears at the start of the term of office of new United States President, Donald J. Trump.

Issues raised included concerns about climate change, womens’ rights, tax avoidance, influence of big business and the impact on poorer people worldwide.

Among the speakers was teacher John Dennis, secretary of Dumfries Trade Union Council, who helped organise the event.

He said: “We need to remind ourselves that another world is possible.”

However, in contrast, one Dumfries man, who wished to remain anonymous, welcomed Mr Trump as new President, highlighting his Scottish investments and pride in his family roots in the country.

He said: “Trump’s willingness to negotiate an early trade deal with the UK should give a boost to the Scottish economy.”


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28th Feb

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