FINAL preparations are in hand for this year’s Scottish Apprenticeship Week.
It will run from March 3-7 and pupils from Dumfries and Galloway will get real life insight into apprenticeships.
The event is a celebration of the benefits of apprenticeships to businesses, people and the economy and is co-ordinated by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) with support from the Scottish Government and a range of partners.
Education Scotland, e-Sgoil and SDS will deliver a series of online sessions featuring apprentices from a wide range of industries.
Local schools can log on to the DYW Live website to hear directly from the apprentices on what it’s like to work in engineering, green industries, construction, STEM, hospitality and tourism.
There will be a free, online webinar for parents and carers on Tuesday, 4 March at 7 pm to find out more.
Frank Mitchell, chair of organisers Skills Development Scotland, said: “Created in collaboration with industry, Scottish Apprenticeships help employers build a skilled and diverse workforce. Designed by employers, apprenticeships foster innovation, economic growth, and new opportunities.
“Apprenticeships also provide Scotland with a great social return, by giving opportunities of enduring careers for many young people from Scotland’s most deprived areas.
“Scottish Apprenticeship Week is a time for all those who support and benefit from apprenticeships to demonstrate how they are made for business, people and Scotland.”
The campaign events calendar on lists activities that have been registered in the area so far.