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Are there wild mammals in your garden?

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By Fiona Reid
Are there wild mammals in your garden?

RESIDENTS in the Ken and Dee Valley area are being asked to track the wild mammals that visit their gardens.

There are more than 60 species of wild mammals resident in Scotland and the majority of them are found close to human habitation.

Now a project led by South West Scotland Environmental Information Centre (SWSEIC) is seeking volunteers in the Galloway Glens area willing to host an infra-red camera or a bat detector to better understand their wild neighbours and their distribution – including bats, red foxes and badgers.

Anyone living between Carsphairn and Kirkcudbright Bay, who would like to find out about what visits their garden after dark, should contact SWSEIC’s Peter Norman on [email protected] to borrow an infra-red camera or a bat detector, together with expert assistance from South West Scotland Environmental Information Centre. Both pieces of equipment can be set up in your garden or local greenspace and left unattended to monitor wild mammals whilst you sleep. The equipment will be automatically triggered to record when an animal is detected close-by, and the information collected will assist local and national conservation projects.



12th Mar

Thistle nominations call

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Heston scores new training gear thanks to star striker

HESTON Rover Girls team has scored vital new equipment for its youth players after being nominated for a prize giveaway by Rangers striker Kirsty Howat.