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Are you ready for snow?

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By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
Are you ready for snow?

YELLOW warnings of snow have been made for the region this weekend.

The wintry weather is expected in South West Scotland on Friday and Saturday.

And householders are being urged to make sure they are prepared for severe weather.

But two thirds of Scottish residents admit they could be more prepared for winter weather, according to the organisers of the Scottish Government’s Ready for Winter campaign. It encourages people and communities to take simple steps in readiness for tough weather conditions.

For individuals this means staying informed on imminent weather conditions, knowing what to do to get ready, such as having a working torch or knowing how to turn off your utilities, and watching out for those who are more vulnerable to severe weather.

Top five tips for preparing for winter are:

  1. Register with the Met Office and Floodline for their free severe weather warning alerts to stay informed.
  2. Make sure you have emergency supplies at home such as a torch, non-perishable food, grit, essential medicines and emergency contact numbers
  3. Pack a shovel, blanket, food and a warm drink in your car
  4. Know how to turn off your water and electricity supplies
  5. Swap telephone numbers with any neighbours who might be more vulnerable to severe weather and make sure you check on them if the weather turns nasty

To find out more go to


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By Fiona Reid | DNG24