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Are you wearing the right colours?

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By Fiona Reid
Are you wearing the right colours?

CHOOSING the right colour to wear can impact on the rest of your life.

That’s the advice in new book “The Essential Guide to Mindful Dressing Choose your colours, Control your life!” by Jules Standish.
A professional stylist and wardrobe consultant, she believes colour is the secret to feeling happy, calm and in control.
According to Jules each colour has its own properties and she has shared some of her tips with Be:
Blue brings calmness and is ideal to put on if you’re feeling stressed; red is sexy and romantic; green is a natural balancer and can help you keep fit and well; purple is harmonious and can spread peaceful vibes;
pink is feminine to wear and is the colour of compassion and romance; and orange is joyous and sociable.
She said: “It’s now possible to take control of your life simply by choosing the right colours to wear.
“Mindfully choose colours that highlight your personality and intentions for optimum success.
“It doesn’t matter what sort of career you pursue or life you lead, the way you feel about yourself is fundamental to the way your life will work out. “
She claims her approach, which is based on mindfulness techniques, can help you look younger and feel more confident.
Jules said: “Wearing colours can have a beneficial, psychological effect on your emotions. You absorb colour through your eyes and skin, triggering neurological responses in the brain that cause the hypothalamus gland to release feel-good hormones.”

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Topics covered in the book including ageing, dressing for success, make up, mastering your image and choosing colour shades.
And the author added: “Ultimately, mindfulness is about coping with stress and anxiety, using the senses to engage with the present.
“Ask yourself “how does this colour make me feel today?”: calm and composed or energised and confident? Do you want to look your most attractive and appear younger or slimmer, or do you need to boost your immune system to feel healthier? Are you trying to cope with an emotionally challenging situation such as bereavement, divorce, or preparing for your children to leave home?
“Bring a sense of harmony into your world by wearing colours that make you feel good and look fabulous, everyday. What could be more mindful – or better – than that?”

* The Essential Guide to Mindful Dressing is published by O Books and out now, priced £10.99. To find out more go to

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