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‘Bags’ of pride for town

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By Fiona Reid
‘Bags’ of pride for town

SHARING is definitely caring in Moffat as a group of eco warriors have joined together to help rid the town of dog muck.

Hanna Wilson and Erin Bullard of MyEcoMoffat, a team of locals who share environment friendly tips online, have been busy dotting homemade dog poo bag dispensers around the town.

Hanna said: “The idea originated from one of our MyEcoMoffat members, Sara Jayne Pickstock, sharing a video of a girl in Somerset who had made dog poo bag dispensers to encourage her community to pick up after their dog.

“Some of the members were keen to have this simple yet effective idea in our beautiful town, namely; Erin Bullard, Martyna Ptak and Annina Rae, so we teamed up and decided to put a few around town.”

With help from the Moffat Toffee shop, who donated unused sweetie jars and Martyna Ptak who donated cable ties and bags, the team created the make-shift dispensers.

Hanna said: “The council were supportive and encouraging and we now have dog poo bag dispensers dotted around Moffat, strategically located near parks and dog walking areas.

“It has been a lot of fun doing this initiative and there have been a few laughs about taking on such a project but jokes aside, there is a bigger message of taking pride in our lovely town and if we take care of the little things the bigger things will take care of themselves.”

She added: “We are very proud of this project and pleased with the positive responses it has had.

“Since posting our story on MyEcoMoffat Facebook page, it has been shared over 87 times to communities far and wide. If those 87 people have at least a 100 friends on Facebook, this potentially means that it has had a reach of 8700 people on social media – which is incredible.”


28th Feb

Council Tax to go up by 9%

By Fiona Reid | DNG24