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Bah humbug

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By Fiona Reid
Bah humbug

TODAY is December 1, but you'd be forgiven for thinking the 12th month of the year actually started a few weeks ago.

Why have we become unable to wait until today for the Christmas festivities to start and since when did Yule start in November?

I love, love, love Christmas and all things associated with the season and I can’t wait to get my tree up on the first weekend of the month.

But I can’t believe the numbers of folk who are now getting the tree and decs up in November. What’s the rush?

As for Christmas lights switch ons in town and city centres, surely the last weekend in November (just passed) is soon enough.

Don’t even get me started on ‘Black Friday’ . . . I hate the fact that as a nation we’ve become so shopping obsessed that we’ll fight over cut price televisions in November.

What’s more – I also don’t understand anyone who would get up at 3am on Boxing Day to go to the sales.  Haven’t they done enough shopping in the previous few weeks and months?

Bah humbug.

Pine cone and christmas tree branches with lights decoration