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Be safe Gala and Eden warning

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By Amanda Kennedy
Lockerbie and Lochmaben

THOUSANDS will flock to Eden Festival and Lockerbie Gala this weekend - and police are urging people to have fun sensibly.

An additional 14 police officers were drafted in to help smooth proceedings on Gala Day last year and 13 youths were arrested.
Police inspector Gordon McKnight said: “This weekend is a busy time for Lockerbie and Moffat community with Lockerbie Gala and Riding of the Marches and at the same time several thousand people will be at Raehills for the Eden Music Festival.
“The police are delighted to be involved in supporting these events and work closely with the organisers to help ensure they are enjoyed by those that attend.
“The vast majority of people that attend have a good time and enjoy the atmosphere that each event brings.”
However, he added: “Sadly there are sometimes a small minority that try to spoil it for others.
“Last year we had an unprecedented number of people arrested at the Gala and I don’t wish to see this repeated again.”
Last year police used CS Spray onboard a bus after a level of violence was directed at a police officer and as a result a group of youths were arrested.
Inspector McKnight said: “Ideally I would not wish to make any arrests, but at the same time will not tolerate anyone intent on disrupting what should be a great family day of celebrations for the town.
“At Eden the organisers are hoping to increase the number of people on site and we will be there to assist in keeping people safe throughout the duration of the festival.
“I urge anyone attending either event to be sensible and hope they have an enjoyable time.”

It’s lucky 13 for Queens

It’s lucky 13 for Queens

QUEEN of the South claimed their first League One away win in 11 months last Saturday against Montrose.