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Bible theft

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By Fiona Reid
Dumfries and West

A HISTORICAL bible has been stolen from a church in the region.

It was taken from a display case at Kirkmaiden Old Parish Church in Drummore, Stranraer some time on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Police are investigating and say the bible is rare and sits on display. It contains a misprint which make it rare.  The bible is in poor condition and at this stage no value can be put on it.

Constable Matthew Pool said: “The church is open to visitors and the bible appears to have been there when a group were shown round the church on Tuesday.  It was discovered missing on Wednesday.  The church is open to the public during the day and as such there does not appear to have been a break-in.  It appears the bible was stolen during the time the building was open.”

Anyone who can help in this investigation is asked to call police at Stranraer on the 101 number, quoting the reference PDSG 0134780618.

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