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Bird count appeal

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By Fiona Reid
Bird count appeal

A CALL has gone out to farmers and landowners in the region to take part in this year’s GWCT Big Farmland Bird Count.

It is being described as “an opportunity for farmers to review what they are doing to aid biodiversity recovery” say the organisers.

The count runs from Friday February 3 to Sunday February 19.

And the GWCT is asking land managers to make the tenth anniversary in 2023 the best ever by signing up to take part. By spending just half an hour between February 3-19 in one spot on their land, counting the birds they see and then submitting their results, they will help the trust to build a national picture of which species are benefiting from conservation efforts and which are most in need of help.

GWCT spokesman Ross Macleod said: “There are multiple pressures on farmers, yet many of them do so much to support wildlife, often unnoticed by the public. The GWCT Big Farmland Bird Count is an opportunity for them to see just what impact their efforts are having and for us to celebrate that hard work.”

To sign up go to


26th Feb

Get set for fishing season

By Fiona Reid | DNG24