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Birthday wishes for Bella

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By Fiona Reid
Annan and Eskdale
Birthday wishes for Bella

ANNAN’S Karaoke Queen — Bella Bell – celebrated her 102nd birthday in style last Friday.

The well known centenarian was in good spirits at home as she came outside to welcome family and friends who had arrived with cards and gifts.

Publican John Steel, from the Commercial, was also there to wish her a happy birthday. He had organised for piper Lana Wilson of Corberry Park Pipers to surprise Bella with a special tune.

And deputy lord lieutenant Hardip Atwal made an appearance to present a card and bouquet of flowers. As recently as last year, Bella used to enjoy visiting the pub on a Monday to meet friends and sing her favourite songs on the karaoke.

John said: “We had many many great days with Bella at the Commercial.

“No doubt the party will be going on here all day, and we’ll have a wee drink at the Commercial for her!”

Later in the day more guests gave Bella their best wishes with the Queen of the Border Macy Oliver and Cornet Ewan Murray both paying a visit.


27th Feb

Firework control zones approved for region

By Marc McLean, local democracy reporter | DNG24

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