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Blogger made up at awards nod

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By Fiona Reid
Dumfries and West
Blogger made up at awards nod

A MAKE-UP lover from Dumfries is made up to be nominated for a top award, following a tough year where she lost her mother.

Autumn Hyslop, 32, from the blog Thirtyand- makeupmad is one of the nalists in the best blogger/vlogger category in the Official Make-Up Awards 2018.

And she’s come a long way since she rst de- veloped a love of make-up in 2015.
She said: “I spent my whole adult life with a small make-up bag lled with a few products that I only ever wore on special occasions.

“I had no idea how to apply them and cringe now thinking how out of date those products would have been.”

Then on her 30th birthday, while celebrating in Glasgow, a trip to MAC changed her life.

She said: “I had my make-up done and I was amazed that with very little make-up I could sud- denly feel so con dent. I went back to the hotel that night and started watching Youtube videos and researching products and from there Thirt- yandmakeupmad was born.”

And dispelling myths around blogging, she says she buys the bulk of her make-up and often de- clines free samples and paid for reviews, wanting to keep her blogging honest.

She said: “The blog isn’t about making money for me, its an escape as a busy hardworking single mum. When the kids are in bed I love nothing more than sitting reading articles on new prod- ucts releases, or researching different skincare brands.”

Thrilled at her nomination nod, she said: “I am beyond excited to be nominated in the best blog- ger/vlogger category at the awards.

“My blog is still fairly new and I am still nding my feet as a blogger and learning as I go, so to nd myself nominated in the same category as my idol and mentor Jamie Genevieve is just a dream come true.”

She added: “I want to say a huge thank you to all my wonderful readers who have supported me, especially over the last year when I have not been posting as much due to the death of my beloved mother.

“I love each and every one of you and will forever be grateful for your continued support. I am so overwhelmed with the continued success of the blog and am excited for upcoming projects.”

Autumn will nd out if she will be crowned win- ner on May 27, when a black tie event is taking place in Manchester.

However, due to family commitments, Autumn will be unable to attend the glitzy event.


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By Fiona Reid | DNG24