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Blooming show of community pride

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By Fiona Reid
Dumfries and West
Blooming show of community pride

A CELEBRATION of community pride took place in Dumfries last week — with awards handed out to businesses, towns and villages.

A joint presentation evening hosted by Dumfries and Galloway Council at their Cargen Tower facility saw Dumfries Civic Pride and Nithsdale Villages hand out their annual awards to those who have made efforts to brighten their surroundings.

Serving as judges were the Civic Pride Committee and Richard Baines, curator of Logan Botanical Gardens.

Civic Pride chairman Cyril Wise welcomed guests, before council community assets officer Peter Clingan introduced Jim James, the local authority’s recently appointed community assets manager.

The awards were then presented by Sarah Landale, who praised everyone for their efforts.

In Dumfries in Bloom, the overall winner was The Hazeldean Hotel which also topped the hotels and guesthouses section.

Winner of the commercial section was The Usual Place in Academy Street, while the retail section was won by Houston’s Butchers in Greenbrae Loaning and licensed premises by Robert the Bruce in Buccleuch Street.

The overall winner in Nithsdale in Bloom was New Abbey, which won the small village section.

Winning the Landale Trophy for Community Involvement was Sanquhar, which was named best large town or village, while Amisfield won the wee village section.

Mrs Landale stated her hope that winners would continue their good work and encourage others to follow suit and keep the towns and countryside looking beautiful.

With the presentations over, Mr Wise paid a special tribute to Mr Harper and his wife who had faithfully supported Dumfries in Bloom over the years with lovely displays at Hazeldean in the Moffat Road and who were soon to retire.

He then handed over two baskets of flowers — one to Mr Harper for his wife and the other to Mrs Landale for presenting the trophies and certificates.


The Usual Place

S houston

New Abbey


Annan and Eskdale

28th Feb

Final prep for Lucas

By Fiona Reid | DNG24