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Bowling success for family duo

A MOTHER and daughter from Dumfriesshire have been enjoying great success in bowling after teaming up together to compete

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By Zac Hannay
Bowling success for family duo
NEW MEMBER . . . blind bowler Amy Buck has been hugely successful since she started bowling

Amy Buck had a tragic accident seven years ago, whilst bodyboarding, which left her blind.

Since the accident she has tackled life full on. She started indoor bowling at Ardrossan over the winter and enjoyed immediate success.

The 28-year-old later joined Marchmount Bowling Club with her mum Jenine.

Having never played previously, Jenine guides Amy as she plays and she learns the game and tactics as she goes along.

Several coaches from Marchmount were asked to help out and they all jumped at the opportunity.

Two weeks ago, Amy won the Visually Impaired Blind Scotland national fours competition at Jessfield Bowling Club in Edinburgh. She then played with great credit in the national singles competition against competitors who were partially sighted rather than totally blind (B1 category).

Club members who have witnessed her bowling skills have all been left flabbergasted. It has also been hugely entertaining for spectators to listen to her coaches giving a running commentary on every bowl and the excitement building as her bowl gets close to the jack.

Amy has called on some of her new friends to join her at the 15 mile Edinburgh Kilt Walk in September, raising funds for “Guide Dogs for the Blind”.

Three members from Marchmount, including club president, John Jarvie, will be doing the walk blindfolded, with their own partners acting as guides. Amy is arranging doggy ears as part of their outfit.


14th Mar

Heston scores new training gear thanks to star striker

By Zac Hannay | DNG24

Heston scores new training gear thanks to star striker

HESTON Rover Girls team has scored vital new equipment for its youth players after being nominated for a prize giveaway by Rangers striker Kirsty Howat.

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