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Break-ins spark police warning

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By Fiona Reid
Dumfries and West
Break-ins spark police warning

MORE break-ins have been reported in Dumfries — with police warning householders to be on the alert.

Houses in Hill Street and Laurieston Avenue are the latest to be targeted.
An iPod Touch was stolen from the house in Hill Street some time overnight on Wednesday July 27 and Thursday July 28.
And photo frames, a themed throw and a quantity of costume jewellery was taken from the house in Laurieston Avenue some time between Sunday July 17 and Thursday July 28.
PC Pauline Kirk said: “This is the third housebreaking in the same area of Dumfries over the past few days.
“We are keen to hear from anyone who may have seen or heard anything suspicious which might help us catch those responsible for these crimes.”
PC Kirk added: “Residents are also asked to call us immediately if the have any concerns about suspicious behaviour in this area.
“Hopefully working together we can put a stop to these crimes.”

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