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Breaking news: Park plans could be saved

By Fiona Reid
Breaking news: Park plans could be saved

‘ONE last chance’ is being given to the park project in Lockerbie.

Members of Lockerbie Trust today announced a u-turn on their plans to ditch the upgrades at McJerrow and King Edward’s parks after a community outcry.

They said: “The trustees have heard loud and clear the feelings of the people of Lockerbie and as such have not progressed with the distribution of funds at this time.

“After several failed attempts to get the project off the ground, trustees want to give the project one last chance to succeed.”

As such, they are making nearly £500,000 of funds available to Dumfries and Galloway Council for them to take forward a revised project within the next three months.

And they want the new scheme to “include the six elements around which there is broad consensus”. They are a designated maintenance fund to meet the full upkeep and ongoing maintenance, and where necessary the replacement of equipment and facilities; the equivalent of building insurance for the changing places toilet and a commitment to clean it throughout its lifespan; improved existing pathways and new pathways ensuring all elements of the project are buggy and wheelchair accessible, improving lighting where necessary and installing CCTV; upgrading the proposed pump track to an international standard pump track; meeting any additional costs required to deliver the above.

Trustees say they believe the strength of feeling among local residents and vocal public commitment from the Annandale North councillors has re-opened the possibility of getting the local authority to fully commit to the project. They are hopeful the council will show their support ahead of tomorrow’s planned public meeting.

Commenting, Oliver Mundell MSP said: “Hopefully the council will now get behind this plan and prove the trustees’ initial assessment wrong. Local residents in Lockerbie have been very clear they want these improvements to happen and we now have a new plan which allows the council to deliver a viable project at pace.”


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