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Brian makes happy list

By Fiona Reid
Brian makes happy list

A CHARITY volunteer who has raised thousands of pounds for the RSPB has been named on a national Happy List for 2015.

Pensioner Brian Nolan, from New Galloway, has donated hundreds of hours of his time for fundraising and other activities since 2006.

And the 71-year-old’s efforts have now been recognised.

Following public nominations, he was named by the Independent on Sunday as ‘one of the 100 people who make Britain a happier place to live”

RSPB area manager for Dumfries and Galloway Chris Rollie, said: “Brian Nolan is a powerhouse of a volunteer! Whether he’s dressing up as a blue tit, making jam, running tombolas, or just shaking a bucket outside a supermarket, his fundraising efforts for the RSPB are tireless.

Since June 2014 alone, Brian has raised over £12,000 from over 100 pin badge collection boxes throughout the region.

As well as fundraising, he also carries out surveys, gives talks and technical support at events, and helps visitors at RSPB Scotland Mersehead.

Mr Rollie added: “I’m not surprised he’s made the Happy List, as whatever he’s doing, he’s always cheerful, and I think he deserves a lot of recognition for all his efforts.  In supporting our conservation work in this way he certainly does enrich people’s lives.”

Modest as ever, Brian said: “It’s nice for the RSPB to get some recognition for the positive conservation work they do. With nature under such pressure, I am just happy to help in any way I can, and it’s fun, too.”



10th Mar

Women's Day event

By Fiona Reid | DNG24