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Broadband pledge from windfarm firm

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Broadband pledge from windfarm firm

BROADBAND provision is set to be given a boost in parts of mid Annandale by a windfarm developer.

Muirhall Energy, currently working on the Crossdykes Wind Farm, has pledged £150,000 to- wards improving service for residents and businesses in Bank- shill, Paddockhole and Corrie Common, as well as pupils at Tun- dergarth Primary School.

The windfarm developer will cover installation costs, as well as pay the first six months’ subscrip- tion for all customers, and a three- year price freeze has been secured

It is expected that a total of 79 properties will initially be able to connect by the end of June, with plans already in place for extending superfast coverage to the wider communities around Crossdykes Wind Farm.

Project manager at Muirhall Energy Jason Morin said: “Muir- hall Energy aims to play a positive role in every community that we

work in and we place that strong community involvement at the heart of everything that we do.

“We are constantly looking for ways to make a transform- ational impact, therefore we are delighted to be able to bring superfast broadband to the area.

“Locals will now be able to benefit from the significant investment we have made in laying fibre up to Crossdykes Wind Farm and we hope soon to extend this to the communities surrounding our Hopsrig and Loganhead projects.”

The new superfast broadband has been warmly welcomed by local residents, who are look- ing forward to improvements in their internet service.

Crossdykes local community liaison officer Frank Carruthers said: “Having a reliable internet connection has never been more essential.

“With home schooling and working from home now vital to everyday life, access to super- fast broadband will be truly life- changing for many living in our rural communities.

“It is brilliant to see the wind- farm already having a positive impact on the local commun- ity.”

In addition to the super- fast broadband, Crossdykes Wind Farm is benefiting local residents through Muirhall Energy’s dedicated commun- ity investment fund – with an annual pot of £322,000 commit- ted for the long-term benefit of neighbouring communities.

All of those eligible for super- fast broadband will be individ- ually contacted by Muirhall.

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