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Call for calendar images

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By Fiona Reid
Lockerbie and Lochmaben
Call for calendar images

AN appeal is being made for photos to feature in the 2024 Lockerbie calendar.

It is being put together once again by the Old School Project team and they have launched a competition to find images for the different months.

The only stipulation is that the pictures must have been taken in the DG11 area.

Project spokesperson Alex Pagdin said: “We are searching for any images taken within DG11, whether this be a shot of local wildlife, views of Castle loch, hilltop shots of the towns or even our fab-ewe-lous sheep statues.

“There are endless photo opportunities in our area!

“You don’t need to be a professional photographer either – just enter any pictures you love of the DG11 area.”

To be in with a chance of having your images featured, email by October 16.

Those chosen will receive a free calendar.

Pic above by Anne Marie Smith


14th Mar

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