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Calling all mums!

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By Fiona Reid
Calling all mums!

MUMS are being sought to help re-establish buggy walking groups in Moffat and Lockerbie.

The weekly walking scheme has been running successfully for over a year in Annan but stalled in mid and upper Annandale.
But now physical activity development officer Karen Robertson wants to get both groups re-started.
And she is looking for keen mums to train as walk leaders.
She is offering a certified course, through Paths for All, that can be completed in a few hours and with children in attendance.
Karen said: “The walk leaders are then able to take registers, choose routes and be a point of contact to help keep the group going.”
The buggy walks are aimed at mums and babies and are a chance to get out and about, meet others, improve fitness levels and have fun in the fresh air.
They usually last an hour and routes are chosen by the walkers themselves depending on turnout, weather and personal choice.
Karen said: “It’s a fun activity for mums and little ones and leads to better well-being for both.
“The length of walk and route can be adapted to everyone’s needs.”
Anyone interested in getting involved in a Lockerbie or Moffat group should contact Karen on 01461 207050 or email [email protected].


01st Mar

Next national park steps

By Fiona Reid | DNG24