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Calls for end to town’s parking pressure

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By Fiona Reid
Calls for end to town’s parking pressure

PARKING woes are reaching their peak at a popular Lockerbie housing hub.

Spaces to park at Rosebank Crescent and Park Place in the town are reportedly becoming extremely scarce.

Speaking at Tuesday night’s Lockerbie Community Council, secretary Doreen Jenkins said: “Parking is awful in the Rosebank area and a lot of people have been complaining about it. We need a solution.”

Looking to ease the issue, she suggested that the grassy area next to the play park in Park Place could be transformed into parking spaces for residents.

However, community council chairwoman Jan Andrews worried this might not be a popular move with local children.

She said: “I would be concerned about taking away the kid’s grassy area. I know it’s well used for games of football.

“It might also cause problems if cars were parked so close to the park.”

Community councillors also suggested that the old cheese factory site on Park Place, which has lain empty for many years, could be knocked down and turned into car park spaces.

Speaking about wider parking issues throughout the town, Ms Andrews expressed severe disappointment that results of a promised traffic audit were yet to be shared with the community.

Last August Dumfries and Galloway Council carried out a road safety audit following repeated mishaps at the town’s cross, which was mistaken for a roundabout.

Near misses were reported after road markings were removed and following complaints a road safety audit took place and the white lines were re-introduced.

The community council have now issued a call to action for more to be done to fix Lockerbie’s traffic and parking woes and are asking for results of the most recent audit to be made public.

Ms Andrews said: “Enough is enough. We need these results. “We don’t want any more empty promises, it’s time promises were fulfilled.”

Councillor Stephen Thompson promised to look into all issues raised at the meeting.

■ What do you think will help ease parking issues in Lockerbie? Email your ideas to [email protected]

Wind farm funding available

Wind farm funding available

LOCKERBIE has been under represented over the past few years for available funding from windfarms.