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Calls for parking meeting to stop in Moffat

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By Fiona Reid
Calls for parking meeting to stop in Moffat

CONCERNS about Dumfries and Galloway Council’s ongoing parking consultations were aired in Moffat this week.

The region-wide consultation will inform a new parking strategy that will set out the overall vision for parking in Dumfries and Galloway, such as supply and demand, parking facilities, enforcement, signage, transport and parking charges.

However, Moffat and District Community Council (MDCC) secretary, Mick Barker is worried that Moffat residents will be unable to ‘contribute adequately’ as the Annandale North drop-in event will be held in Lockerbie on Wednesday November 8.

He said: “We have expressed our considerable disquiet about this consultation because of the nature of the economic, transport and parking issues between Moffat and Lockerbie. It’s inappropriate that the consultation be held in Lockerbie. They [Dumfries and Galloway Council] are convinced that because we are in the same ward, the same issues will apply.

“They stated that cost is one of the main reasons why they can’t come to Moffat. But given the current disorganised state of parking in the town, the lack of signage, the lack of differentiation between long term and short term parking and people reversing out on to main roads, we are very concerned that the people who have allowed it to become like this, e.g. the council, think they can improve it without consulting locally.”

The Lockerbie drop-in sessions will be held in the Hawthorn Room at Lockerbie Town Hall between 3 pm to 5 pm and 6 pm to 8 pm on

Wednesday November 8. All welcome. An online consultation is also scheduled for Tuesday November 14 at 3pm.

n For more information email [email protected].


25th Feb

Bid for more free school meals

By Fiona Reid | DNG24